Instagram is not just like an application; it plays a vital role in everyone’s life. Besides social channels, Instagram is the best tool for shopping and marketing to succeed in your e-commerce strategy.  1.1 billion people use Instagram in their daily lives all over the world. Most users are looking for new products or follow the daily life routine reels on Instagram. They follow atleast one business on Instagram. 80% of people run Instagram for business use, but not everyone uses it effectively.

Instagram is a global platform that provides different challenges and gets new audiences to your business. The following tips will help you know the basic selling tips through advanced techniques. 

1. Instagram Algorithm

If you want to know one thing, Instgaram differs slightly from other social platforms. Backlinks and referral links do not work on Instagram. If you want to add a link on Instagram, it won’t be converted like a hyperlink. You could add only a Static URL. Instagram allows you to give only one URL in the platform, the link in your profile bio.

While you think Instagram is a difficult place to promote your products, recent research shows businesses can reach more followers through Instagram. If more Instagram users engage with your brand, Instagram’s ability to get all brand followers towards your account.

2. Set Goals On Instagram

If you are planning to start marketing on Instagram, first you need to think about what you want to achieve on Instagram. You could mainly focus on building your target audiences in a quick way. But audience size is not that important, you have to build an initial base of followers to get early engagement. 

You should have an idea why you want to succeed on Instagram? Do you need to get exposure for your brand, share your product images, or get feedback from your customers? 

3. Find Your Target Audiences

Before starting Instagram marketing, you need to know what audiences you have to reach and get from your competitors. Find the common characteristics of your target audiences like age, interests, to create your content suitable for them. On Instagram we couldn’t mention posts not getting engagement on Instagram. If you post content at the right time, you can increase the possibility of your profile reach and impressions

You can frequently use hashtags on Instagram to redirect more users to your content. This is an effective way to find your business’s target audience.

4. Post At The Right Time

Brands or businesses will post frequently on Instagram. Businesses will create a calendar to schedule their posts on a daily basis. Receiving consistent engagement is a key to getting success on Instagram. Make sure you are posting at the right time to get maximum engagement on your post. It would help if you spent time analyzing your competitors, finding your related hashtags, and creating related content for your products/services. 

In recent studies, the best time to post on Instagram is around the middle of the day. Because, most of the users are checking their phones at break/lunch time during the work days. Posting in the evening is also a good idea to catch people.

5. Instagram Shopping

One of the finest features on Instagram is you can sell products directly on Instagram though a shoppable feature. Through shoppable post On Instagram, users can easily purchase the liked products easily. You can click “Tap to view products” in a shoppable post to get a shopping bag icon.

6. Utilize UGC For Growth

If customers are posting images with your products and tag you in that post, you could repost it on your account. Definitely, it will increase your followers count and build authenticity on your brand. If you collaborate with influencers to shout about your brand on their post and reshare that content on your account will drive more sales and followers on Instagram. 

You can also ask your customers to post your products on their social media accounts and offer discounts or special offers in return. Most businesses or brands follow this method to gain social proof.

8. Brand Consistency

When you want to get more impressions and new followers to your account, you need to post consistently on your account. If you post on a daily basis, you can easily catch the visitor’s eyes and influence them to follow you. Before posting content on Instagram, you must recognize your brand values and tone of voice on your video.


Instagram is the best platform to grow their businesses and skyrocket their e-commerce sales. You need to be conscious of your content and posting time to get more impressions and reach on your profile. To succeed in your business, you can follow the above steps.